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Enrollment Policy and Timeline for FY24

The following enrollment plan elements will become key components of a board-approved enrollment policy.



Magic City Acceptance Academy is a school that broadly serves the Birmingham community. MCAA opened in fall 2021 as a middle and high school serving grades 6 - 12. In accordance with Act 2015-3 Section 5(a)(3), MCAA does not limit admission based on ethnicity, national origin, religion, gender, income, disability, English language proficiency, or academic or athletic ability. MCAA is open to all students, first enrolling students within the Birmingham City Schools zoning area, as per Ala. Code § 16-6F-1, followed by opening to the 5-county area currently served by BAO and the Magic City Acceptance Center. As a public school, the Magic City Acceptance Academy enrollment plan is built upon the anticipated academic and non-academic needs of students in the Birmingham area. Marketing efforts and recruitment in the area will assist in gauging the anticipated enrollment in the community. The school is open to all students whose grade level is served and enrolls all students who wish to attend if enrollment does not exceed capacity.


Application Procedure

The application period for students seeking enrollment in the 2022-2023 school year will take place between February 1, 2023 and April 15, 2023. We will be available for any needed application support during normal business hours, select nights and weekends, as well as during spring break to allow equitable access for all. If the number of applications exceeds the projected enrollment at that time a lottery will be put in place for any grade level where applications exceed available spots. If enrollment is not met at that point, the application period will remain open. Parents or guardians seeking to enroll children will submit an application during this period. The application will be made widely available and there will be sites available for parents who need assistance with applying for the school.

Admissions Procedures

Students who have completed all application requirements will be enrolled into PowerSchool and a schedule will be created. Once students go through registration, they will receive their schedule and be ready to start school in the fall.


Lottery Procedures

If the number of applications exceeds capacity, student enrollment will be selected by a random lottery. The lottery application is a simple online form designed to decrease barriers to entry for families. Parents who do not have internet access or require help to fill out the form may do so at the school.


The lottery will be performed in the middle of May 2023 and will be conducted electronically. Every child will be assigned a number. The lottery uses a random number generator to choose students. Acceptance and waitlist letters are sent following the lottery. Within one week of being accepted, parents must submit a completed enrollment packet, which includes proof of residency. Once all acceptances are confirmed, students from the waitlist are contacted to fill any open spots.


MCAA will admit students in the order described here until there are more applicants than available spaces for any given grade level. When this occurs, a lottery will be held for that grade level. The lottery application is a simple online form designed to decrease barriers to entry for families. Potential MCAA Parents who do not have internet access or require help to fill out the form may do so at the school. The lottery will be performed in the middle of May and will be conducted electronically. Every child will be assigned a number. The lottery uses a random number generator to choose students. Acceptance and waitlist letters are sent following the lottery. Within one week of being accepted, parents must submit a completed enrollment packet, which includes proof of residency. Once all acceptances are confirmed, students from the waitlist are contacted to fill any open spots. MCAA will contract with an experienced provider to conduct the lottery.


Registration and Waitlist Procedure

After completion of the lottery, parents or guardians of students offered admission will be emailed an admission letter in mid to late May. Parents or guardians will then have two weeks to submit an enrollment packet. The enrollment packet must include:

(1) proof of residence,

(2) birth certificate,

(3) immunization certificate (or religious exemption),

(4)certificates of vision, hearing, and dental exam,

(5) social security card,

(6) transcripts/report cards from previous school,

(7) discipline report, and

(8) proof of legal guardianship or custody (if applicable). All of the above information will only be sought and accepted after a student receives a registration letter.

Maintaining Records for Student Enrollment

MCAA will follow all guidelines, procedures, and policies established by our system, and will utilize the state-adopted student information system, PowerSchool. MCAA personnel will attend all district and state required training to properly utilize this resource for enrolled students and their school records.


Application Period Dates

The application period for new students seeking to enroll in the 2023-2024 school year shall begin in February 2023 and continue through April 2023. If the number of applications exceeds the projected enrollment at that time, a lottery will be put into place for any grade level where applications exceed available spots. If enrollment is not met at that point, the application period will remain open.


Enrollment Deadline and Procedures

Students offered admission will be mailed an admission letter in May 2023. Parents or guardians will then have one week to submit an enrollment packet. The enrollment packet must include:

(1) proof of residence,

(2) birth certificate,

(3) immunization certificate (or religious exemption),

(4) certificates of vision, hearing, and dental exam,

(5) social security card,

(6) transcripts/report cards from previous school,

(7) discipline report, and

(8) proof of legal guardianship or custody (if applicable). All of the above information will only be sought and accepted after a student receives a registration letter. Inability to provide sufficient evidence of residency renders a student ineligible to claim a residency-based priority

Timeline of Student Recruitment Events

Fall 2022-Winter 2022

● Parent and student information meetings that provide families with detailed information on the instructional program and provide students with exposure to Summit Learning and PBL.

● Information about tiered priority zones for enrollment, lottery procedures, etc.

● The MCAA website will post a full description of the instructional program, student enrollment procedures, etc.

● MCAA Board and school leadership attend planned annual events to promote school.

● Public relations will seek local media coverage.

Spring 2023

● School applications will be made available to the public.

● School hosts a lottery event.

● Families will be notified of admissions.

Summer 2023

● Continued publicity and efforts to recruit students to meet enrollment projections.

● Students will register for the 2023-2024 school year.


Policies and Procedures: Student Waiting Lists, Withdrawals, Re-enrollment, and Transfers

Magic City Acceptance Academy will maintain a written waiting list of students who applied but were not enrolled due to lack of space annually. Openings created during the school year may be filled from the waiting list. The order of the waiting list will be determined by the lottery. The school may also accept applications for the waiting list after the enrollment period. Students seeking to join the waiting list after the enrollment period will be added to the end of the list. The waiting list expires at the end of each school year. Wait list applicants must reapply each year for admission to Magic City Acceptance Academy.


Pre-Admission Activities

Magic City Acceptance Academy will host a series of events and student programs to recruit students and families. All will be invited to meet the school leader, see the school, and interact with the staff at BAO, Magic City Acceptance Center, and Magic City Wellness Center who will be supporting wrap-around services for the school.

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